Best dictionary creater 应用

Latin dictionary 1.11
User will be satisfied with this Latin -English dictionary because:- It has the largest vocabulary- Detail description for each word and a lot of samples- Simple UI & high performance make you feel easy whenusing* Full support pronunciation for both English and Latin will helpyou so much in study these languages.(This application can run in offline mode but need the internetconnection for the pronunciation and web browser functions.)Please setup the Latin keyboard before using this appThis free dict works well in all android devices including mobileand tablet, it is very useful for all kinds of people although inoffline environment.- For student, pupil or researcher, this app is the largestthesaurus help them make the deeply investigation in each words andphrases including idiom, slang, noun, verb, adjective,adverb...The largest vocabulary and lexicon will help people find allspecial words in all branch; medicine, medicinal, math, chemical,horoscope, biology, aetiology, physics, physiology…- For the English learners, this is the perfect tool to improveyour lexicon, idiolect and grammar skill by so many detailedexamples and conjugation supported.This dictionary has all the advantages of other dicts so It willhelp you improve skills in speaking, writing, reading, listening,conversation and well prepare for the tests such as TOEFL,IELTS...- For the translator or interpreter, this tool will give youquickly the good translation and also the pronunciation of bothlanguages by only one tap.Good luck and merry using my product :)Satis hoc Usor Latin - English, quia :- Habet maxima vocabulary- Multa exempla detail descripta sit ac- Sentis facile princeps perficientur et simplici user interfacecum usuraFull suscipio pro utriusque pronuntiatione tam Latina et proderitstudium copiae.( Haec applicatio non potest currere in penitus iunctio onlinemodus , sed indigent pronuntiationis et officia telam pasco .)Placere hoc application usura ante keyboard setup latinaHaec operatur in omnibus MASCULINUS adinventiones eccl mobilibusetiam tabulae, cum in omni genere est utile online elit.- Nam auditor pupula inquisitorem, app thesaurus maximus auxiliumsingulis quaestionibus atque verborum tam profunde properentidiomate funda , nomen , verbum, adjectivum , sui ...Maximus omne tibi proderit, Lexicon vocabulorum et cunctissermonibus specialis ramus ;- Nam Anglorum discentium, hoc est perfectum , ut amplio vestrilexicon tool , sic plures, quod exemplis et ab arte grammatica etidiolect conjugation sustinetur .Haec dicenti sic dictionary habet commodisque omnibus aliis artibusiuvabit condimentum loquendo, scribendo , legendo , audiendo , etsermonem bene expertus qualis parare TOEFL, IELTS ...- Quia interpres aut interpres hoc tool bonum tribuam vobis : Citoet falsa vocis sonum tantum ab utriusque linguae .Bonus fortuna, et jucundabuntur usura uber meum :)
Traductor 1.14
User will be satisfied with this Galician - English dictionarybecause: - It has the largest vocabulary - Detail description foreach word and a lot of samples - Simple UI & high performancemake you feel easy when using * Full support pronunciation for bothEnglish and English will help you so much in study these languages.(This application can run in offline mode but need the internetconnection for the pronunciation and web browser functions.) Pleasesetup the Galician keyboard before using this app This free dictworks well in all android devices including mobile and tablet, itis very useful for all kinds of people although in offlineenvironment. - For student, pupil or researcher, this app is thelargest thesaurus help them make the deeply investigation in eachwords and phrases including idiom, slang, noun, verb, adjective,adverb... The largest vocabulary and lexicon will help people findall special words in all branch; medicine, medicinal, math,chemical, horoscope, biology, aetiology, physics, physiology… - Forthe English learners, this is the perfect tool to improve yourlexicon, idiolect and grammar skill by so many detailed examplesand conjugation supported. This dictionary has all the advantagesof other dicts so It will help you improve skills in speaking,writing, reading, listening, conversation and well prepare for thetests such as TOEFL, IELTS... - For the translator or interpreter,this tool will give you quickly the good translation and also thepronunciation of both languages by only one tap. - This is also theindispensable tool for travelers, with this dict in your mobile youcan finish the journey in Vigo, A Coruña, Ourense, Lugo, Santiagode Compostela, Pontevedra, Ferrol or anywhere in Galicia withoutany communication problem with Galician people. Good luck and merryusing my product :) Usuario estará satisfeito con este galego -dicionario inglés porque: - El ten a maior vocabulario - Descricióndo detalle para cada palabra e unha gran cantidade de mostras -Interface de usuario simple e de alto rendemento que se sinta fácilcando se utiliza * Pronunciación Soporte total para inglés e ingléspode axudar tanto no estudo destas linguas . ( Esta aplicación podeser executado en modo offline , pero precisan de conexión deinternet para a pronunciación e navegador web funcións . ) Porfavor , estabeleza o teclado galego antes de usar esta aplicaciónEste dicionario libre funciona ben en todos os dispositivos Android, incluíndo móbil e tablet , é moi útil para todo tipo de persoas ,aínda que en ambiente offline . - Para estudante , alumno ouinvestigador , esta aplicación é a maior enciclopedia axudalos afacer a investigación profundamente en cada palabras e frases ,incluíndo linguaxe , gírias , substantivo , verbo , adxectivo ,adverbio ... A maior vocabulario e léxico vai axudar a xente aatopar todas as palabras especiais en todo ramo ; - Para osestudantes de inglés , esta é a ferramenta perfecta para mellorar oseu léxico , idioleto e habilidade gramática por tantos exemplosdetallados e conxugación soportados . Este dicionario ten todas asvantaxes doutros dicts polo que vai axudar a mellorar as súashabilidades no fala , escrita , lectura , audición , conversa e asípreparar para os exames como TOEFL , IELTS ... - Para o tradutor ouintérprete , esta ferramenta vai darlle rapidamente a boa traducióne tamén a pronuncia de ambas as linguas en só un toque . - Esatamén é a ferramenta indispensable para os viaxeiros , con estedict no seu teléfono móbil pode rematar a xornada en Vigo , ACoruña , Ourense , Lugo , Santiago de Compostela , Pontevedra ,Ferrol ou en calquera lugar en Galicia , sen ningún problema decomunicación co pobo galego . Boa sorte e feliz co meu produto :)
Japanese best dict 1.21
User will be satisfied with this Japanese - English dictionarybecause: - It has the largest vocabulary - Detail description foreach word and a lot of samples - Simple UI & high performancemake you feel easy when using * Full support pronunciation for bothEnglish and Japanese will help you so much in study theselanguages. (This application can run in offline mode but need theinternet connection for the pronunciation and web browserfunctions.) Please setup the Japanese keyboard before using thisapplication. This free dict works well in all android devicesincluding mobile and tablet, it is very useful for all kinds ofpeople although in offline environment. - For student, pupil orresearcher, this app is the largest thesaurus help them make thedeeply investigation in each words and phrases including idiom,slang, noun, verb, adjective, adverb... The largest vocabulary andlexicon will help people find all special words in all branch;medicine, medicinal, math, chemical, horoscope, biology, aetiology,physics, physiology... - For the English learners, this is theperfect tool to improve your lexicon, idiolect and grammar skill byso many detailed examples and conjugation supported. Thisdictionary has all the advantages of other dicts so it will helpyou improve skills in speaking, writing, reading, listening,conversation and well prepare for the tests such as TOEFL, IELTS...- For the translator or interpreter, this tool will give youquickly the good translation and also the pronunciation of bothlanguages by only one tap. - This is also the indispensable toolfor travelers, with this dict in your mobile you can finish thejourney in anywhere in Japan without any communication problem withJapanese. Good luck and merry using my product :)